Sleep Coaching for Moms with Insomnia

Insomnia is more than a struggle—it’s torture.

You feel broken. You try everything from pills, to teas, yoga, and more, but nothing works. You’re exhausted, anxious, and thinking about sleep 24/7. You feel guilty about how insomnia is impacting the people you love most. You worry life will never be the same again.

After struggling with insomnia for 5+ years after my son was born, I found the solution with the Sleep Coach School. Now, I’m a certified Sleep Coach so if you’re interested in coaching (at special pricing!), join the waitlist. Because moms deserve peaceful sleep, too.

What is Insomnia?

The first step to recovery is understanding why you can’t sleep, so what sounds like a silly question is actually the most important. It’s also where most people, and coaches, get it wrong. There are 999 reasons people can experience disruptions to their sleep, from illness to sleep disorders, menopause, chronic pain, medication, stress, noisy neighbours, and more. 

But what I call ‘insomnia’ is very different—it’s a fear and anxiety problem.

This explains why:

Trouble sleeping is often accompanied by a pounding heart, sweating, twitching, jerks, racing thoughts—this is your body's flight or flight response, triggered by fear and anxiety

The solution isn't sleep hygiene, increased sleep drive, or even CBTi (cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia)—these don't get to the heart of the matter, which is fear and anxiety

Insomnia won't go away on its own—we need new understanding and responses to break the cycle

How Insomnia Starts

The cycle begins when you sleep less for any of the 999 reasons sleep can be disrupted. For some of us, these normal sleep disruptions trigger fear/anxiety around being awake at night. Anxiety creates hyperarousal, a state of heightened alertness also known as your body’s flight-or-flight response. 

In this state, your brain—a survival machine designed to keep you safe—gets confused and incorrectly identifies being awake as a threat. 

Since your brain can’t distinguish between a real threat (e.g. Grizzly Bear) or a perceived threat (e.g. wakefulness), it responds the way it always does when faced with a threat: it deploys emotions, such as fear and anxiety, to escape the threat. You respond by trying to fix your sleep (e.g. pills, teas, yoga) but these efforts only reinforce to your brain that there’s a threat in the first place!

At this stage, insomnia become a self-perpetuating cycle.


What is the Treatment for Insomnia?

Despite how you feel right now, I can promise you one thing: your body has not, and cannot, forget how to sleep. Sleep is a passive process that requires nothing from you for it to work.

The key to getting out of the insomnia cycle is to address what’s getting in the way of peaceful sleep: fear and anxiety around wakefulness.

How Insomnia Ends

As a Sleep Coach, I make sure you have the education, support, and guidance to move from fear to freedom. I do this through a combination of self-paced teachings that cover the principles of sleep and insomnia recovery with 1:1 sessions to answer questions, address stumbling blocks, and lift your spirits. Unlike other insomnia programs, my approach is:


You can't change what you don't understand so we start with education—lots of it. From there, everything starts to shift.


Rules have no place in a passive process so that's why I don't have any. Peaceful sleep is effortless and so is the path to getting there.


As someone who's been there, I understand what you're going through and I'm always your biggest cheerleader.


Living with insomnia is a challenge, especially when you're a mom. We'll tackle these practical issues in our sessions.


Your insomnia isn't unique, but you are. While the teachings are common across clients, the coaching is tailored to you.


Once the fear around wakefulness is gone, you can coach yourself through any future sleep disruptions.


Meet Your Coach

My five years of insomnia were some of the most difficult of my adult life. For years I felt:

  • Confused about why I couldn’t sleep
  • Fearful that my brain was irrevocably broken
  • Frustrated by all the solutions that failed
  • Depressed that I was missing out on life
  • Misunderstood by my family, friends and GP
  • Guilty that I was disappointing the people I love

When I found the Sleep Coach School, everything finally made sense: how my insomnia started, the weird symptoms, AND the way out…for good. I’m not the only one; the Sleep Coach School boasts over 1,000 graduates and counting; check out the success stories

Join the Waitlist

I’m on a mission to help moms leave insomnia behind so they can get back to their lives.

If you’re ready to get back to sleep and want to work with a certified Sleep Coach who gets it, join the waitlist for coaching services at an introductory rate.